Hey! Thank you for checking out my website! I am a life long learner who is enamored with technology and amazingly has the pleasure of working with it for a living.
I made this site mainly to share my blog posts. I have had friends and family ask me how to get started programming, building and fixing computers, hacking, etc. While there are plenty of absolutely wonderful sources of information out there (I will include some at the bottom of the page), I thought that it would be nice to provide them with some sources where they could reach out and have the writer (me) answer general questions or provide help. For this reason you might find that some of the blog posts are covering topics that you think are basic. That's okay! Those weren't written for you. Instead they were written for my friends and family who maybe just know how to check their email.
All that said I am more of a generalist rather than an expert in any particular subject; so absolutely if you see something thats wrong or misleading please reach out and let me know! I will do my best to rectify the issue.
Here are my top 5 favorite learning recommendations in no particular order.
- John Hammond - A fantastic individual that focuses on CTF challenges, malware analysis, and general cybersecurity. I know I said in no particular order, but man this guy is like the GOAT for security content. I could spend hours watching his malware analysis videos.
- Computerphile - A great channel that has content produced by a group of people. Covers everything from turing completeness to basic SQL injection. If you like math I also recommend checking out their sister channel Numberphile.
- NetworkChuck - An awesome individual who breaks down content in really digestible pieces. I believe he is a network engineer but he also dabbles in some security topics. I really recommend checking out is video on building a patch cable. It's wonderfully done and very easy to follow along with. He even has his daughters make their own patch cables along with the viewer.
- ElectroBOOM - A hilarious individual who is also very intelligent! He is an electrical engineer and his content mostly focuses on circuitry. If your looking to laugh and learn check him out!
- LTT - Just go watch them. You'll have so much fun you'll forget you're actually learning something